sustainability report
Sustainability has come into fashion, especially in the restaurant and food industry where many claim to work sustainably. At LOCA Gruppen and KILDEN, we are naturally happy about the attention that the subject of sustainability is receiving these years. However, we also believe that it is not enough to simply say that one works sustainably. We also want to be able to prove it.
We like to say that "if you can measure it, you can control it." On that note, we are proud to present LOCA Gruppen's first 'Sustainability Report'
Read our full report 2023-2024 here.

In the report, we have measured and weighed all purchases for our restaurants to get a precise picture of our total CO2 footprint - and what we can do to reduce it in the future.
The report includes measurements and facts about our consumption of local ingredients, our level of organic production, animal welfare, staff care, and well-being. These are important topics that we will continue to work with in our kitchens and operations.
the people
For us, sustainability is not just about choosing the right ingredients, following the seasons, and minimizing food waste. Human sustainability is an equally essential part of the story we stand for. Therefore, the report also presents all of our initiatives related to staff care and well-being in LOCA Gruppen. In the restaurant industry, we want to attract and retain the right people. That requires us to weed out the outdated traditions and cultures that scare people away from our profession. Also in this area, LOCA Gruppen wants to raise the bar and be best in class.
Love for food and people will always be our guiding star on the path towards more sustainable gastronomy. We are excited about the continued journey towards a brighter and more sustainable future. Both for ourselves and our staff, for the world around us, and for the restaurant industry.

sustainability report
Sustainability has become fashionable, especially in the restaurant and food industry, where many now claim to work sustainably. At LOCA Gruppen and KILDEN, we are naturally happy about the attention that the subject is receiving these years. However, we also believe that it is not enough to simply say that one works sustainably. We also want to be able to prove it.
"We usually say that if you can measure it, you can control it." And that is why we are proud to present LOCA Gruppen's first 'Sustainability Report'.
Read our 2021-2022 report here.
Read our 2022-2023 report here.

In the report, we have measured and weighed all purchases for our restaurants to get a precise picture of our total CO2 footprint - and what we can do to reduce it in the future.
The report includes measurements and facts about our consumption of local ingredients, our level of organic production, animal welfare, staff care, and well-being. These are important topics that we will continue to work with in our kitchens and operations.

For us, sustainability is not just about choosing the right ingredients, following the seasons, and minimizing food waste. Human sustainability is an equally essential part of the story we stand for. Therefore, the report also presents all of our initiatives related to staff care and well-being in LOCA Gruppen. In the restaurant industry, we want to attract and retain the right people. That requires us to weed out the outdated traditions and cultures that scare people away from our profession. Also in this area, LOCA Gruppen wants to raise the bar and be best in class.
Love for food and people will always be our guiding star on the path towards more sustainable gastronomy. We are excited about the continued journey towards a brighter and more sustainable future. Both for ourselves and our staff, for the world around us, and for the restaurant industry.